Welcome to an outlook on fashion&art&life from the eyes of a young designer. This is the result of a mind full of imagination, color, and sometimes craziness. Continue if you dare to explore...
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010

I remember working at Philly Fashion Week last year, going through thousands of garments and assigning models as we got ready for the runway shows. One of the featured designers, Marina Makaron Moscow has an amazing collection of scarves, tunics, dresses, and so on created in beautiful silks/satins that will flow over the body in the most perfectly pleasing and pleasurable manner. Not only are these extremely soft and flattering, but they are also striking in their bright colors and intricate designs. Unlike any scarf that you may have seen, these designs are extremely unique and will be considered one-of-a-kind for most American consumers, as she is a Russia-based designer, working her way to the states.
Check out the rest of the collection and Designer's success secrets on her site:
Feeling sleepy and not extremely imaginative, I wonder what I could create out of this cubicle. Definitely a fort. A refrigerator with endless amounts of my favorite foods. A pop-out closet with vintage accessories and costumes and clothing for every mood and occasion. A record player with an unlimited playlist of the BEST music from the beginning of the 1950's to today...
I could go on forever.
The beauty of the imagination is that it has NO limits. The limits are also what we imagine. So, why limit ourselves to such dull and non-inspiring things? Dive deep into your inspiration and see how you may surprise yourself to do something today that you may not have done yesterday, simply because it didn't seem realistic, or grown-up of you.
Hey, grown-ups can imagine too.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
It's amazing how as we grow, we adapt to so many different environments and how quickly those worlds that at one point seemed so far from one another and so disconnected suddenly collide. Previous to my college experience, I wondered what my life would be like when I returned home; if things would start to look and feel different; if my friends would change simultaneously with my shift in surroundings. Well, things definitely changed and there was no good or bad, because those adjectives are really meaningless. But now, I have found that each of those worlds were really one all along. It's just our perception of where we are at a given point and where we think we will be headed next.
Currently sitting on a bed of a favorite girl's house in a small town in PA. It amazes me how I can go a place so many times, travel the same road over and over, and still find something different about the path that I took.
So, back to transitions and worlds colliding and BLAHBLAHBLAH.
Leaving for another country in one month and a handle or two of days. I always wonder what new "firsts" I'll experience each year. So far I have put color in my hair and cut it shorter than I've ever had it, commuted to school, and lots of other non-thrilling things. I am imagining right now what I'll be adding to the list as I hop onto a plane to go to another country. I guess that is something more prolific than learning to count to ten in French.
Cheesey Tempeh Sammies
- Your choice of Tempeh (I prefer the grainy ones for this recipe in particular)
- Rice/Soy cheese
- Sunflower Bread
- Hummus/Favorite Spread
- Sprouts
Take the Tempeh and cut into two sections, and then in halves (width-wise) so that you have four thin squares. Cook Tempeh on a skillet or griddle until golden brown and remove, adding slices of cheese to each and sandwiching them together (this recipe makes two sandwiches). Sunflower bread can be spread with hummus, pesto, or your favorite condiment. Place sprouts on top, then cheesey tempeh, then close with other piece of sunflower bread.
Simple, easy peezy, and enjoyable.
And I Told You To Be Patient
And I Told You To Be Fine
I Told You To Be Balanced
I Told You To Be Kind
Closing time. Until we meet again.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010

- drape - arrange in a particular way; "drape a cloth"
- drape - place casually; "The cat draped herself on the sofa"
- drape - curtain: hanging cloth used as a blind (especially for a window)
- drape - clothe: cover as if with clothing; "the mountain was clothed in tropical trees"
- drape - the manner in which fabric hangs or falls; "she adjusted the drape of her skirt