This book is literally sucking me into it's pages. I haven't been able to put it down. Who says we can't take mental-massaging breaks at work? It isn't written somewhere, right?
"Imagine slipping into the back of a preschool class during one of the free times when the children can immerse themselves in anything they want to do. If you look carefully, you'll see that each child is revealing something special about what he or she is instinctively great at and feels most excited about or satisfied in doing."
Can you imagine living your life every day the way that you lived it as a pre-schooler?
Finger painting, playing in what you visualize to be your dream house with your best friends, eating imaginary Gourmet (or very ridiculously thought up) food, and playing, playing, playing.
Spontaneity and freedom and imagination at every turn of your head. The possibilities are endless when your a child because you are experiencing your "firsts." You have yet to experience the, "You're wrong!" OR "No, not like that- don't you listen?" OR "Are you kidding? That is impossible."
We don't believe in the impossible because everything in front of us is real and we see exactly what we believe we see. There hasn't been anyone to shield our eyes, blindfold what's in plain view, or attempt to taint our innocence. We take the world for what it is.

I remember working at Philly Fashion Week last year, going through thousands of garments and assigning models as we got ready for the runway shows. One of the featured designers, Marina Makaron Moscow has an amazing collection of scarves, tunics, dresses, and so on created in beautiful silks/satins that will flow over the body in the most perfectly pleasing and pleasurable manner. Not only are these extremely soft and flattering, but they are also striking in their bright colors and intricate designs. Unlike any scarf that you may have seen, these designs are extremely unique and will be considered one-of-a-kind for most American consumers, as she is a Russia-based designer, working her way to the states.
Check out the rest of the collection and Designer's success secrets on her site:
Feeling sleepy and not extremely imaginative, I wonder what I could create out of this cubicle. Definitely a fort. A refrigerator with endless amounts of my favorite foods. A pop-out closet with vintage accessories and costumes and clothing for every mood and occasion. A record player with an unlimited playlist of the BEST music from the beginning of the 1950's to today...
I could go on forever.
The beauty of the imagination is that it has NO limits. The limits are also what we imagine. So, why limit ourselves to such dull and non-inspiring things? Dive deep into your inspiration and see how you may surprise yourself to do something today that you may not have done yesterday, simply because it didn't seem realistic, or grown-up of you.
Hey, grown-ups can imagine too.
This is an amazing article. I agree!! Think like a 5 year old because life is so exciting through their eyes.