It's rainy days like today that make me appreciate the sun more than anything else.

I mean, one's initial reaction to this weather is generally, "Man, now I can't do anything outside and all I want to do inside is curl up under my bed and forget about work." I decided a while ago that I was going to change my thoughts and turn to positivity. The rain gives me a reason to stay inside and get work done. Then, when I finally need a break, it's the perfect setting for a nap.

Also, it ALWAYS makes me want to get all dolled up for no reason; if it's shitty outside, why should I look equally as shitty? It's silly how clothing can make or break a mood. I'm automatically lifted when I see someone wearing something bright and beautiful on a dreary day.
Plus, with options like these cutsie Target rainboots, who could possibly resist venturing out in those playful puddles?
I know it makes me want to go swimming in the rain with a fat smile on my face.
So, why not embrace the rain. And get rid of the monochrome and plain. Treat the day as a plain canvas to splatter. And let the music be nature's pitter patter.
I met a man yesterday that was a bit unsteady in his original state, but very inspirational and wise with his words.
He continued to speak of his thoughts on fashion once I introduced him to my major, Fashion Design. He proceeded to say that fashion is one of the greatest forms of art. There is not one person that can be "good" or "bad" at it. Others can judge, but in their own way there is always something that can be appreciated by another person. That appreciation may never be verbalized, but the fact that the clothes which ended up on one's body may not have been simply thrown there is what makes that specific outfit one of originality. And whoever is opposed to originality is probably just scared to free their own individuality in this judgmental society.
SO, there's some food for thought. Walk with something different draped across your body today. Does it make you feel good? Well, maybe it will make someone else feel equally as wonderful.
In truth, "Human clothing is the ambiguous expression of both mask and advertisement of the unconscious self."
your fabulosity WOWs me. <3 and perhaps i will walk around with something unexpectedly draped upon me. thank you leaky love xox