In the words of Anna Nalick, Consider This
"through the artifice of apparel, the less than perfect can camouflage perceived deficiencies and in some instances project an appeal beyond those gifted with characteristics accepted as ideal in their culture and time. However, while fashion is commonly thought to be driven by a constant cycle of aspiration and obsolescence, the ideal unclothed body paradoxically is believed to conform to some unchanging and universal standard. In fact, the examination of the nude in art reveals a constant if sometimes subtle shift in the ideal of physical beauty."
it's true that our clothing can better our mood, inspire another, or warm your heart as well as your body.
Allow the garments that flood your closet and drawers to influence your inner beauty today.
Try on something that you haven't worn in a while.
Frolick in something fancy.
Be the beautiful being you've always been.
Namaste, kids.
Welcome to an outlook on fashion&art&life from the eyes of a young designer. This is the result of a mind full of imagination, color, and sometimes craziness. Continue if you dare to explore...
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Good morning. 
Blueberry Organic Pop-Tarts.
Soy Chocolate Milk.
Soul-soothing music.
Life is Good.

Latest Obsession:
Natalie Portman. I didn't want to touch on just one thing that I love (in terms of fashion) today. I wanted to touch on the mastery of one particular woman's style. I have seen Natalie with a buzz cut and hair down half her back. With boyfriend jeans or fitted, high-waisted trousers. A floral frock or an evening gown that could melt any man's heart. Somehow, she manages to match the un-mixable for most fashion felines.
How about today, we use Natalie's confidence, poise, and natural beauty as inspiration in our own wardrobes and lives in general today. If you're worried that if you wear it, you may not be able to "pull it off" like someone else can, do it anyway. If your socks don't quite match the rest of your outfit, or one is slightly washed out more than the other, sport them anyhow. Style your hair, even if it's unwashed and play up that strange cut that you've been complaining about all week. It can't hurt to step outside and smell something different and refreshing.
Most of all, surprise yourself. You'll probably feel more exhilarated than you could have ever imagined.
Short, but hopefully sweet.
G'day all.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
January 16.
So. I've never actually seen the show, "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia." I do, however, believe its title to be true.
Just like any ordinary place on this earth, sometimes it rains here. Sometimes it snows. Sometimes its so hot that its sticky to the point of discomfort. When you're having a shitty day, it's a shitty day.
Yet there's something about the city that when you take a really close look, it still has the sunshine. Maybe it's just me, but I know that when I look around me and see the history of this place, knowing that I can now call it home, I feel pretty lucky. Yes, many people consider a city (especially this one, which has a bad rep.) an unsafe living environment. I'd like to think its "issues" are more well publicized than other areas. This is all a story, but so is whatever a majority of the population may believe, too. My connection with the energy and atmosphere around me has led me to believe that no matter what Mother Nature has in store, we can always consider it,
"sunny in Philadelphia."
It never fails to amaze me how quickly time can pass.
I think that I
all of five times today, with about a three-five hour gap between
each of those times.
Walking the city blocks, without a care in the world, arm in arm
with a significant other,
smelling that city air, being too cold to notice, and just appreciating the perks of being alive
and well. They make time disappear. A limit to the day is nonexistent.
As one of my professors stated the first day of class- who
I already appreciate extensively- "There is no such thing as
the future. There is no such thing as the present. There
isonly here. Why do we have so much trouble understanding
Zooey Deschanel has the same middle name as me.
too bad she was born first.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Shoes. Steal. The. Show.
Slip. Into. Something. Sexy.
Step. With. Style.
My camera has stolen the show.
I have been interested in the camera; the way it functions, its ability to capture things we don't generally
acknowledge on day-to-day basis, and the crisp, clear picture we can view almost effortlessly.
Technology, which I generally overlook even as a "modern American" (whatever that means)
gets brownie points when it comes to the eye of the camera. The Canon Powershot SD780IS is my
newborn baby, which I have been carrying with me everywhere (which I generally don't even do with my own cell phone)
has challenged me to look at things a little more closely, see what lies beneath the commonly
seen and familiar, and tested my technological abilities. All things I can't help appreciating
and enjoying to the highest measure!

Forgive your feline friends. Follow the walk of sexy
&& stylish Stella McCartney, who strives to display
her beliefs of sustainability in the form of fashion
(organics, faux outerwear, etc.)
Here's to January 15.
Being in the present moment.
All beautiful things in the world.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
"Don't pay me, Pay it forward."
My inspirtation of the day.
A woman that I work with, Louise, is the sunshine of my mornings. There are always threads of stories that evovle into other stories, and so on. Today, this phrase slapped me in the face. I believe that I do "pay it forward," but I'm sure that we've walked around at one point another, expecting something back. It's human nature to look for recognition of some sort, and it helps us keep not only self-confident, but build our ego. But if we can look at the life and those who surround us as equals, who deserve what we wish for rather than get what we deserve, maybe the positivity could pay forward a lot more than a borrowed dollar or a piece of gum.
New Year, New You.
I feel so fresh, returning to school with a new outlook on many things I have collected over break, a new haircut, some warmer clothes, and the simple idea of NEW.
I know I've said it multiple times before, but what if we celebrated each day as something new? Imagine the possibilites of having new eyes for the things that we view as familiar, boring, or insignificant? I can remember viewing things for the first time when I was younger, such as the back of a CD, whose shiny-ness and rainbow-like reflection made me smile and brought curiosity to my mind each time I viewed it. The details in the sweater I'm wearing, which are created simply by the technique to which the threads stay together. The fact that such a thing can be done, and the fabric doesn't just fall off of my body into a million strands. The screen in front of me, which is mesmerizing and allows me to read books, adds one thousand and three plus fourty-five, and can tell me how to get from Pittsburgh to Miami.
There are so many things that we see each and every day that are, essentially, more technical than we may ever view them. Or, rather than technical, simply fascinating. I give credit to each and every object, organism, and person I view. There is nothing large or small. I am viewing it with new, wonderous eyes.
Here I come, world!
Latest Obsession:
Cowl Neck. If you have a long neck that you wish to hide, have no fear- The COWL is here.
Cowl neck and turtleneck sweaters were always interesting-looking to me when I was younger. For some reason, I didn't "understand" as I did a regular neckline. Now, as a long and lanky lady, I appreciate the beauty of a turtleneck or a cowl neck garment, which not only keeps me SUPER warm during the winter days, but also allows for my long neck (and limbs) to appear a bit more full in a fabulous way. Like adding volume to a flat head of hair, these garments will be attractive, without drawing unwanted attention like an embellishment, such as sequins.
I decided that I didn't want to add any pictures into this post.
I wonder if anyone will actually read this, but regardless, these are some thoughts of today, with some influence of yesterday and some hopes for tomorrow.
If you read this, may you have a wide-eyed and wonderous day, filled with NEW and exciting things. Open your eyes to things that you see at every turn, even if they don't appear as interesting at first glance. Here's to appreciation of the little things, or the immeasurable things.
My inspirtation of the day.
A woman that I work with, Louise, is the sunshine of my mornings. There are always threads of stories that evovle into other stories, and so on. Today, this phrase slapped me in the face. I believe that I do "pay it forward," but I'm sure that we've walked around at one point another, expecting something back. It's human nature to look for recognition of some sort, and it helps us keep not only self-confident, but build our ego. But if we can look at the life and those who surround us as equals, who deserve what we wish for rather than get what we deserve, maybe the positivity could pay forward a lot more than a borrowed dollar or a piece of gum.
New Year, New You.
I feel so fresh, returning to school with a new outlook on many things I have collected over break, a new haircut, some warmer clothes, and the simple idea of NEW.
I know I've said it multiple times before, but what if we celebrated each day as something new? Imagine the possibilites of having new eyes for the things that we view as familiar, boring, or insignificant? I can remember viewing things for the first time when I was younger, such as the back of a CD, whose shiny-ness and rainbow-like reflection made me smile and brought curiosity to my mind each time I viewed it. The details in the sweater I'm wearing, which are created simply by the technique to which the threads stay together. The fact that such a thing can be done, and the fabric doesn't just fall off of my body into a million strands. The screen in front of me, which is mesmerizing and allows me to read books, adds one thousand and three plus fourty-five, and can tell me how to get from Pittsburgh to Miami.
There are so many things that we see each and every day that are, essentially, more technical than we may ever view them. Or, rather than technical, simply fascinating. I give credit to each and every object, organism, and person I view. There is nothing large or small. I am viewing it with new, wonderous eyes.
Here I come, world!
Latest Obsession:
Cowl Neck. If you have a long neck that you wish to hide, have no fear- The COWL is here.
Cowl neck and turtleneck sweaters were always interesting-looking to me when I was younger. For some reason, I didn't "understand" as I did a regular neckline. Now, as a long and lanky lady, I appreciate the beauty of a turtleneck or a cowl neck garment, which not only keeps me SUPER warm during the winter days, but also allows for my long neck (and limbs) to appear a bit more full in a fabulous way. Like adding volume to a flat head of hair, these garments will be attractive, without drawing unwanted attention like an embellishment, such as sequins.
I decided that I didn't want to add any pictures into this post.
I wonder if anyone will actually read this, but regardless, these are some thoughts of today, with some influence of yesterday and some hopes for tomorrow.
If you read this, may you have a wide-eyed and wonderous day, filled with NEW and exciting things. Open your eyes to things that you see at every turn, even if they don't appear as interesting at first glance. Here's to appreciation of the little things, or the immeasurable things.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Why Do You Let Me Stay Here

"The beauty of intuition is that it is much smarter than any problem and comes from a much higher source than does opinion.
Opinion is colored by many brushes, but intuition comes from the heart and is untainted by outside influe
nces. Listen to the nudges of your heart, inviting the wisdom of intuition. " -SuePattonThoele
<The epitome of adorable. Multi-talented, and always effortlessly dazzling. Whether playing a teen during the 70s in Almost Famous, or the lead singer of a new age band in YES Man, her shift in roles appears to be similar to that of her style from one day to the next.
Zooey displays her talents not only in acting, bu
t as a member of She & Him, which has past influence with a modern twist- similar to that of her style; she successfully takes influence from various eras, the truly refined of trend, and a special spice of her own.
What's not to love?
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Be kind and remind.
Latest Obsession:

Fringe Boots. Brown or Black.
Perfect Height. Perfect amount of Laces. Perfect amount of Fringe. Perfection in the form of a Shoe.
With only an inch heel, these boots are the real deal.
Exclusive to Urban Outfitters while supplies last.
Move your feet and lose this treat [for your tootsies!].
What to pair them with? A floral frock (ice skater style preferred) with some leggings and a cardigan if necessary; a sweater dress for the winter with some simple tights and a hat to accompany; skinny jeans and a sweet sweater with some accents for the equestrian edge. Make it your own. Whatever way you slice it, these many be simply, but by golly they are cute to boot.
Sleep has become a foreign concept, yet when it comes my way I welcome it with open arms.
It's usually a battle to keep the eyelids closed; they wish to explore the world around me, even if I've seen it is incredibly familiar to me. My mind wanders into a tornado of thoughts of today, tomorrow, and even rewinds into yesterday. What about this instant? This spec of time? Where has it disappeared? I find myself constantly swallowed by the depths of daydreams that I often lose track of the present. I truly wish to embrace it, yet it is always as though I am striving for something... else.
May the day bring my mind to rest. May my being be at peace.
May my physical, mental, and spiritual being be in alignment.
May you be showered with the same balance.
The night will go as follows...
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Galileo Galelei observes the 4 largest moons of Jupiter, which are now called the Galilean moons.
The Festival of Seven Herbs in Japanese Culture: Nanakusa no sekku
symbolizes longevity, health, and warding off evil.
Happy January 7. Just thought we could like some candles and be grateful for yet another day.For me, this was a day of new hair cuts, drives to Philly airport, being pulled over for the first time and almost shitting my pants, bowling, too much coffee, Simon & Garfunkle, Raisin Bran Crunch, reminiscing, best friends, reuniting old friends, conversations with the dead and God, and curiosity that could kill any cat.

Today's obsession: Military-Inspired Menswear
Modern, military, and mystical. A combination that could scare on the streets, or encourage the creative to take that step further on the path less traveled. Gareth dives into his dungeon-like gear with shades of gray, heavy layers, and head wear for the everyday, edgy, elite-stylist.
Ch-ch-check it out.
[Ready to wear, Spring 2010]
I'd like to celebrate with the Japanese and promote longevity and health and ward off the evil.
I'd like to celebrate a little something each day. I mean, something significant has happened each day for at least one person in this world, right? Many are born; some have died; someone bought their first house; someone got married; someone started their first day of work; someone got fired from their job. Today may be seem as, "just like any other day," but it's a day nonetheless. And it deserves to be celebrated. And, by golly, we deserve to have a celebration.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
My head has been congested, but I have allowed myself to pretend that I feel fantastic, and with the help of a sauna I am actually believing it. Today was a strange day. Maybe its because I don't remember
most of it.
TIME. It's one thing that is consistent in my life, yet somehow I always seem to struggle with it. There are days when I feel that certain experiences drag on for days, when in reality it is in the time span of nearly a few hours. There are days when I feel as though I blinked and all that I had done disappeared, as if it were never even there. I have been known to be a person who has little concept of time. Sometimes, I'd like to think I'm leaving the house in five minutes, when I usually end up thinking of things that I want to bring with me as I walk down the stairs, or forget that I had to call that person before 3pm and it's already 230, and so on. I came to the realization that as long
as I believe that TIME is a problem in my life, or causes road blocks for me, or is something that I just can't seem to GRASP, it will always be a problem. SO. Instead of viewing it as a problem, here I am, pretending that time is time is time is time. It is a number on the clock. Rather than controlling my life, it is a guide which I use my advantage to help me schedule appointments, meet with friends, and be efficient with everything that I do in my life. And just like I pretended that I felt great today, I will pretend that time is my friend.
And since I can't change it, what's the sense it getting frustrated?

(This is the end) This story's old but it goes On and on until we disappear (This is the calm) Calm me and let me taste the Salt you breathed while you were underneath (We are drowning) I am the
one who haunts your Dreams of mountains sunk below the sea (After the storm)
I spoke the words but never Gave a thought to what they all could mean (Rest in the deep) I know that this is what you want
A funeral keeps both of us apart (Washed up on the beach) You know that you are not alone I need you like water in my lungs (This is the end)
Since my attachment to materials is pretty much non-existent, tomorrow I will shed myself of some serious inches on my thick mop of hair. New year, new hair. Maybe that's silly, but I'd like to think that it's something fresh. After a rollercoaster of events this past year, I think something could be just what I need. Plus, I HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD TO LET IT GROW BACK.
I learned yesterday that what I believe is only what I believe, anyway. So why does it matter what significance hair is "supposed" to have. What would it matter if my hair looked like what a boy's is supposed to? Or what if it were the color of what we would think the color of grass is? It's only strange because we have a pre-conceived thought as to what something SHOULD look like, act like, feel like, taste like before we even get to do a test drive. Sometimes I wish that i could step into a super market without knowing what ANYTHING was. I could buy an entire cart's worth of groceries and not know a thing about any of the items. Could you imagine the possibilities? I could make the wildest meal ever; something that would be simply absurd to what we believe the average human being SHOULD be creating. It's a fact that we essentially "train" ourselves to act a certain way. Our behavior has been created by all which we are taught, observe, and convinced from day one on- usually beginning the first ten, or so years of our lives. Scary, huh? I'd say its a little bit annoying, but that's only because I'd like to change some of my thoughts that feel permanently embedded into my subconscious. Am I throwing too much out there? Well... that's how I felt too when I first heard it. NOW I can't wait to see what I'm capable of. Because I'm aware. It's all there. We just have to listen a little more clearly, look a little bit closer, and touch a little more gently. Did I miss anything?
Food for thought: simplify, simplify, simplify.
Thank you, Brand New: This is the end.
Monday, January 4, 2010
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."
Sometimes the most unexpected event may occur, which would seem negative on most occasions, but turns out to be a beautiful disaster. I have always wondered why death should be viewed as such a negative thing. I mean, I have no personal experience, per say, but I know what it entails and I don't sense the fear. I think that deep down, it is a human's duty to hold onto the physical being of another. We tend to have trouble letting go of the things we can physically feel, even more than the things we keep inside; the intangible things.

So I dedicat
e this to my deceased grandmother. As my family and I watched her dissolve into a lonely, miserable body, we knew that her place was no longer meant to be on this earth. And maybe that sounds strange, or sounds like I wish she had been gone, but it's just a way of me
embracing this change, rather than being selfish or wishing that she was still physically here.
R.I.P. Elsie <3
This post will feature a fellow of my own flesh in blood- The Great Alex. He has been an entrepreneur since in the womb- which if you know him is very true. He has a way with words, knows how to handle the cash money, and has oodles of ideas that can relate to nearly any party. Plus, he's ready to teach everyone else out there HOW TO MAKE THEIR BIZ SAVVY. Alex let me feature an article on Eco-Fashion about two weeks ago, and ever since I have been keeping up more and more with his posts. There is always something new and fresh, and the main topic is g
enerally all about the environment and sustainability. So, what's not to like? Some comic relief in the mix of sh
aring what the world is coming to- financially, environmentally, socially, and economically. Get it right, get it all, make it savvy.
Check it out or get out:

Latest obsession:
I've been in love since I discovered London,
European designers, and the tricky trends
of today we peek in on from a less stylish country.
The trick of the trade is like no other. Plaids for both lassies and lads, large punky prints, flashy sayings, and an endless spectrum of brights to mesmerize the modern design gurus of this generation. Get inspired, or just get sucked into this interesting sense of style. Plus, Agyness Deyn is cute to boot.
Here's a
TOAST... to the new year. Make it count. ....cheers.
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