Shoes. Steal. The. Show.
Slip. Into. Something. Sexy.
Step. With. Style.
My camera has stolen the show.
I have been interested in the camera; the way it functions, its ability to capture things we don't generally
acknowledge on day-to-day basis, and the crisp, clear picture we can view almost effortlessly.
Technology, which I generally overlook even as a "modern American" (whatever that means)
gets brownie points when it comes to the eye of the camera. The Canon Powershot SD780IS is my
newborn baby, which I have been carrying with me everywhere (which I generally don't even do with my own cell phone)
has challenged me to look at things a little more closely, see what lies beneath the commonly
seen and familiar, and tested my technological abilities. All things I can't help appreciating
and enjoying to the highest measure!

Forgive your feline friends. Follow the walk of sexy
&& stylish Stella McCartney, who strives to display
her beliefs of sustainability in the form of fashion
(organics, faux outerwear, etc.)
Here's to January 15.
Being in the present moment.
All beautiful things in the world.
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