As always, I picked up a book at the library. This time, it has nothing to do with any of the assignments I should be researching... More or less a good read for a late night after lots of work to help wind down: "The Language of Fashion"- Roland Barthes. What struck me most? "Human clothing is ambiguous expression, both mask & advertisement of the unconscious self." Until I opened this book, I would rarely think of the technicalities of fashion, style, and clothing. Yet as I continue flip the pages of this book, I find myself developing a bit of an x-ray vision in garments. What is the history? What was the thought process behind the construction, function, and design. It is incredible to this that at one point all bodily coverings were strictly created for function and now nearly all apparel is designed for stylistic purposes (sometimes with the least amount of flattery and comfort).
A second statement, "Clothing, in its diachrony, becomes a monotonous series of ruptures, a disordered succession of opposites," reminded me so closely to the words of Thoreau: "Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new." There is usually a FAD of every few years, each completely expelling or going against the idea of the previous and creating no inkling of what may follow. It strikes me as odd that one would choose to wear something simply because it "reflects that time period," when in essence nothing that we wear in today's society truly mirrors what is going on around us. We actually, contradictorily, portray ourselves in a provocative, unflattering, or over-embellished manner when it comes to trend. Why don't we instead combine what compliments, comforts, and creates a bit of an image of the present, with a pinch of the past.
Yesterday made me realize (even more than I already knew) how strongly my mood is influenced by my surroundings- the weather, people's energy, music, etc. Perusing through the cutesy town of Manayunk, in and out of Tibetan stores, purchasing used CD's, cups full o' coffee, sunshine in the sky, and good company. All of my favorite things rolled into one- what more could I ask? I was greeted by the smells of Tibet from initial entrance to the store- I was mesmerized by the intricate designs of the tapestries and designs on the garments. I don't remember the last time I saw something with a label, "Made in USA." I truly appreciate seeing something like that; something that took so many hours to construct. After exploring for all too long, we were introduced to an instrument of meditation. Among all of the kit and kaboodle, I settled for browse over bargain and moving along to become a victim of the used CD hoarder. My summer habits are slowly being collected as the weather strolls along into the season.
So, inspiration from some distant district, a beverage to sooth some addiction, friends for some frolic, and the beauty of the out doors for enjoyment of life's simple pleasures.
Here's to life.
Music of the Moment:Let it fall//Lykke Li
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