>>Another day in the neighborhood, would you be mine?
The face that I'm awake at 5AM right now and can't go back to sleep somehow doesn't strike me as odd and the fact that I'm on here, fingers flowing quickly across the keys, thoughts emptying even quicker out of my brain appears far from odd and bizarre as well. This happens at least two or three times a month and as Laura and I have come to find, the best way to react to these types of situation is to "accept and move on." Acceptance is a good feeling to give out, and get back.
Playing Favorites.
I have had a Dr. Marten fetish since about the time that I knew what a boot was. I remember seeing a girl in a store wearing some high top black combat-looking boots, shin-high, with zippers running up the side. Not only do I have a strange attraction to combat shoes (especially colored ones), but zippers (especially in unexpected places) have has my heart since I can remember. I decided long ago that my clothing will have lots of fun zippers and pockets because everyone needs something to play with when they're bored and if it's already on your clothes than you have less of a chance of getting "in trouble" for fiddling around.
Over spring break, I was initiated into the Dr. Marten world, as I stumbled upon the pair that I have been online stalking the white, mid-shin-high, and double-zippered beside the laces boots. It was like some sort of sign for me to peruse down the boot isle, which was comprised completely of black boots besides the pearly white Docs which grabbed my attention. I ran over, ripped down the zippers and musically read the number "9" on the sizing label. What a happy girl I was.
Although many people say that they are quite uncomfortable until broken in, I am still technically breaking them in and have found them to be über comfortable, as well as easily wearable (well, it may just be the excitement, but I have found them to work with almost all of my outfits but have decided not to overplay them just yet).
Collectively, if you're looking for some ridiculously rad and rambunctious (in the most positive connotation possible) maybe you can find yourself bumping into some fabulous Dr. Martens down an unexpected isle. I highly recommend if you are so inclined with the choice.
What's in a name?
Ever since I was about fifteen or sixteen, I remember questioning the thought of wearing logos across my chest and/or haunches.
I was never one of those girls that was known for her in-style appearance, but was secretly an observer of those who were.
What truly makes a person fashionable? What compels me to look a little bit closer when I see a woman/man walking down the street? The last thought which seems to cross my mind is, "What label is that?" I guess when a person sees a designer that they like, it is usually more than likely that they will be drawn to that designer's other clothing. However, it never crossed through my unconventional mind as to what made a garment so important when it had the tag of a famous designer. If that designer has a tendency to use organic cotton or recycled materials, then I'm for sure jumping on the bandwagon. Otherwise, it will take a lot more than effort, duct tape and some bomb-ass chai to get me to purchase some three-hundred dollar item on the market.
With that whole ramblance in mind (please excuse my dear aunt
sally for the made-up words), here is some food for thought:
"The luxuriously rich are not simply kept comfortably warm, but unnaturally hot; as I implied before, they are cooked, of course a la mode."
-Henry David Thoreau
On that note, I bid you farewell.
And may you have some beautiful 5AM dreams in your sleep.
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